MD: Lawsuit – Sex offender requirements applied retroactively

BALTIMORE — A class-action lawsuit claims the rights of at least 800 people listed on the Maryland Sex Offender Registry have been violated. The lawsuit, filed Friday in Baltimore City Circuit Court, says the state retroactively increased the length of time certain sex offenders had to remain on the registry.

The Maryland Declaration of Rights prohibits laws that retroactively criminalize an act or impose a more severe penalty than was set when the act was committed. Full Article

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Janice see what you and the RSOL team started!!! I hope you’re proud of yourself (humor). Attorneys are starting to see the gold lining attached to all these sex offender registries and all their blatant in your face violations of not just Constitutional rights but human rights as well.

Yeah is this the kind of bs were going to face if CA created a tiered registry.

The main thing is that a tier registry is retroactive so your time duration should start from a date back in time. You may be removed very quickly, I would think depending where you are personally at time of passage unless they say the clock starts when the law passes. Just think having to wait another 20+ years to come off…huh? Well lets look at it this way, then I will be guaranteed another 20 years of life…I should thank them, such generosity.

YOU ALL DO KNOW that Janice is comin to Texas next month to speak at the RSOL Conference , yes ?
And Nancy Forster from Maryland is also comin to Texas to speak. And Larry Neely of NewMexRSOL is there every year.

Now Nancy and Larry are the ones engineering this Maryland thing for the last 3-4 years. 1000 freed; now shootin for 800 more ! Soooo…HERE’S THE THING : At the Texas meeting, Nancy is bound to ask Janice, “So what do your CA RSOL people think of what we all are doin here in Maryland ? But at this point Janice can only say, ” Well, we posted it, but CA RSOL people hardly commented on it all….”

HELP JANICE !! Put some COMMENTS here ! This way you’ll HELP JANICE have ANSWERS to give to Nancy !

I think I get the low response rate. The Maryland Ex Post Facto stuff won’t work for California. Probably a sore point. I shouldn’t have brought it up. Sorry. Maybe when Janis gets together with Nancy next month in Texas they can strategize some ideas for California.

I’m not seeing how anyone with a pre school education can think this is legal. These people have already paid their so called debt to society and now the state has been punishing them even more? Someone over there needs to teach them the difference between right and wrong. This lawsuit needs to succeed; these petty tyrants must be put in check. Their kind must stop rationalizing the law away and bending it past the breaking point.

Sorry to have to point this out, yet again.
The Registries are *not* about what they claim, much like the “Patriot Act”.
By cleverly defining the Registries as “Administrative Control Measures” these laws evade legal definition of Punishment, although they are punishing to say the least.

Registered Citizens are pariahs to be loathed at least and, preferably, persecuted wherever and whenever possible. It’s not too much of a stretch to imagine that somewhere somebody is working on a drone, pre-programmed with the GPS position of every registrant in your zip code and a gatling gun.

You are the whipping boy of a culture run-amok with sexual obsession; hated in a society that seeks to exterminate hate.

Get used to it. It will be this way forever regardless.

the law makers do make new laws regularly with no regard for constitutional or human rights
i to was convicted of a sex crime in 1990
4 years before the socalled megans law and have to register for the rest of my life every 3 months
have to tell my boss i need a day off or ill be in late because i have to go register
the truth is allot of people will not hire someone that has to register because of the reprocussions when it gets out the company hires sex offenders
i done all of my time i was given by the judge and though my time is complete and i have been off of parole for years and the law came into effect after i accepted my time
there has to be a way to get off of the registry that i am unconstitutionaly being placed on
if it was not punishment then the state should be coming by my house to register me or it would be done in my time on my schedual
it is double jeapordy because
1 it cost me gas to register
2 harder to find work when everyone knows you register
3 i lose time from work to go register every 90 days
4 i get looks from neighbors and know they conveinantly got online and see my picture
5 it was not part of my sentncing at the time i plead guilty or i may have took it to trial had i of known